Explain the purpose of small group
Explain and emphasize the rules
Honest or silent
Confidentiality is important
Respect each other, one person speaks at a time
Share your excitement at the potential of your small group times.
Getting to Know Each other
Ask each person to decide on 2 hidden talents.
Finish the Sentence
It is often good if in the beginning the leader is the first one to go and makes every effort to be totally honest. The leader is setting the pace. Please use leader discretion in which questions are asked. Go with the flow of the group.
Sample Questions:
One fear I had in coming on this trip is...
My Biggest pet peeve is…
Last show I binge watched
Hear Me Out cards or Soularium Cards
Leader Sharing
The leader could share a little about why he/she is a leader on the trip this year. The leader could also share a little bit of their story (only 2 or 3 min.) - don't preach.
Listening Check
(This is a real key to the first meeting). This group is both for sharing and listening. Now is the time to determine how we did at listening. Focus on one person at a time and tell the person what the group remembers them saying. It will be an encouragement to everyone (including the staff) to see how much is remembered.